
Pastor Chuck Woodruff

It is my pleasure to recommend to you Evangelist Scott Sivnksty. Practically, Scott has much experience with the ministry of evangelism as the son of an evangelist, Jerry Sivnksty. Personally, he has had much experience in the local church, serving as the youth pastor for our church family for over 6 years. However, more particularly, Scott demonstrates the greatest of qualities of a servant on the Lord, FAITHFULNESS. He is strong in conviction and sincere for souls. God’s Holy Spirit is upon him when he preaches. His messages are poignant, purposeful, and passionate.

To complement Scott in this ministry, God has blessed him with a wonderful wife. Debbie is truly a “helpmeet” in every biblical sense. She has been such a blessing to our young girls and a delight to our church ladies. She is sterling in character and burdened for the ministry to which God has called her husband. As a mother to their three sons, she is exemplary. I trust you will prayerfully consider having this faithful servant come and preach.”


Evangelist Jerry Sivnksty

“I anticipate the Lord greatly using Scott in the field of evangelism. Ever since he was a little boy, he has been a hard worker. That same drive will be evident in his ministry as an evangelist. He is a disciplined man and he preaches with authority and power. His use of the Word of God will stir the hearts of the Lord’s people and be the means of reaching many of the Savior. As his father, I am honored to recommend him to pastors across the country.”





Evangelist Morris Gleiser

“It is with great delight that I recommend to your the ministry of Evangelist Scott Sivnksty. Scott is one of the most genuine young servants of the Lord you could meet. It is obvious the Lord’s hand of blessing is upon his ministry. He has been faithful as a Youth Pastor for close to seven years, proving himself loyal to his pastor. His youth group has advanced in spiritual growth and earnestness to please their Lord under Scott’s leadership. His love for the Lord, for the Word of God, for the people of God, and for lost souls will be evident every time you hear Scott preach. The ministry of Scott, along with his sweet wife Debbie, will be a genuine blessing to you and your people. I highly recommend to you the preaching ministry of Scott Sivnksty.”


Pastor Gary Bill

“I know Scott to be a fine young man with a sincere love for our Savior. He is a gifted preacher of the Word, and having grown up in an evangelist’s home, he understands the needs of the local church and pastor. Scott will be a blessing to you personally as pastor and to your flock as he joins with you in their edification and in your outreach to lost souls. Hallelujah, God is still raising up young evangelists!”




Dr. Bob Jones, III

“A second-generation evangelist inevitably has unrealistic expectations put upon him. Whether he is too much or too little like his father could work against him; but to pastors who know Scott’s father, Dr. Jerry Sivnksty, and have neither of those expectations of Scott, Scott Sivnksty will be a delight. He is fresh but wise, seasoned by his background, well-taught by his education, knowledgeable by ministry experience, and servant-hearted by the grace of God. He will be an evangelist that a pastor can safely trust.”