I made a profession of faith at the age of 6 under my dad’s preaching. However, my life did not show any fruit. Finally, I realized that I was not born again and needed to personally ask Christ to save me. During an invitation at a Christian camp, I asked my father to lead me to Christ. That same night I also gave my life to serve in full-time ministry. I went to college in 1994 to prepare for the ministry. The year of 1998 was certainly a busy one for me! I graduated from college, got married, and was called to be the Youth Pastor at Catawba Springs Christian Church (Apex, NC).
After six years of youth ministry, God directed me to enter full-time evangelism. The Lord has certainly taught me many things as a Youth Pastor that will be invaluable in the ministry of evangelism. I have matured in ministry and deepened in heart for the local church and its leadership. God has allowed the burden of evangelism to grow in my heart during these past several years by providing me opportunities to preach at youth rallies, camps, teen retreats, school chapels, and on several mission fields. God has now directed our family to enter the ministry of evangelism, and we are honored and humbled to serve our Lord in this capacity.