Summer’s End
Well folks, I have been highly negligent in keeping current with my blogs! I have not yet gotten into a habit of doing this, but I will endeavor from this point on to be much more regular with my posts.
Our summer was packed and kept us extremely busy! Though most of our summer was spent at Camp Chetek, I also had the wonderful opportunity to preach at Alpine Bible Camp and Red Cliff Bible Camp. Souls were saved at each of these camps and many decisions were made on the part of Christian young people. All the glory belongs to God for only He can stir the heart and elicit a spiritual response. It is exciting and humbling to be able to be a mouthpiece for God and see the power of His Word at work in people’s lives.
Since the close of camp season, we have had some time off at our home in North Carolina. The rest has been much need and appreciated. I have also had meetings in Illinois, Indiana, and North Carolina. Currently, we are here in Chesapeake, Virginia with Pastor Lee Godfrey at Fairview Baptist Church. We are closing tonight and have had a wonderful time fellowshipping and getting to know these dear folk.
We will return to our home in North Carolina for about a week before heading to Elizabeth City, NC for an eight day meeting with Pastor Kevin Senn at Emmanuel Baptist Church. Please be praying that God will do a mighty work there and will be glorified as a result of the preaching and responding to God’s Word. I will post an update to that meeting.
To keep track of where we will be throughout the year, please visit our itinerary page on our website. We appreciate your prayers as we seek to labor for our Lord.
- Evangelist Scott
- on Sep, 25, 2013
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